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Market Update – 31st October 2015

A snapshot of the key points for September 2015


  1. The RBA kept the overnight cash rate at 2.00% at both the October and November meetings. 
  2. In fixed income, the 3 Month Bank Bill Swap Rate and the 10 Year Australian Bond Rate fell by -0.04% and -0.02%, respectively, in October.
  3. Corporate debt spreads, as measured by the iTraxx Australian Index, fell to 116.39 in October from the previous reading of 136.11.
  4. Australian shares posted positive returns, with the All Ordinaries Index and the S&P/ASX 200 Index increasing by 4.55% and 4.34%, respectively.
  5. AREITs followed the broader equity market, rising 4.87%, as measured by the ASX 300 Property Index. 
  6. International shares rose across the board, with the TOPIX Japan Index the best performer, gaining 10.42% over the month.
  7. Gold and Oil prices recovered over the month, increasing by 2.40% and 3.33%, respectively. However, the Iron Ore price declined by -10.81%. Overall, commodity prices declined by -2.04%, as measured by the US$ CRB Spot Commodity Index.
  8. The Australian Dollar appreciated against most currencies in October. It rose by 1.27% against the US Dollar, 3.70% against the Euro, 0.30% versus the British Pound and 2.46% against the Japanese Yen. 
  9. The Australian Trade Weighted Index (TWI) rose by 0.67% over the month, ending October at 60.30.
  10. Share market volatility fell over the month, with the US VIX Volatility Index and the S&P/ASX 200 Volatility Index declining by -9.43% and -7.12%, respectively.

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 Source:       Zenith Investment Partner

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